September 7, 2024

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Grown Man Bar Rap!! New Album “Choices” By Oakland Hip Hop Artist S.Crow

1 min read
S.Crow out of Oakland, CA, drops his debut album “Choices”. After being out the game for a minute and no in his early 40’s, he is hoping to show the world that not only do he still got it, but it’s gotten better and more refined. Follow him on Instagram @listentos.crow.
Grown Man Bar Rap!! New Album “Choices” By Oakland Hip Hop Artist S.Crow

S.Crow out of Oakland, CA, drops his debut album “Choices”. After being out the game for a minute and no in his early 40’s, he is hoping to show the world that not only do he still got it, but it’s gotten better and more refined. Follow him on Instagram @listentos.crow.

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