Amidst the blinding lights and skyscrapers of Detroit Michigan emerges a pulsating beacon of talent known by his intriguingly stylized...
Taken from his new split 12" with Kode9 for Fabric Originals... Continue reading…
Ayanna Witter-Johnson interviewed by Editor - Marco Gandolfi - at the Grosvenor House Hotel on London’s Park Lane on...
It's been a minute since we heard from Anastasia Coope, but today the New York singer-songwriter shares both sides of...
South Carolina artist Shawn Connor has been rumored to be taking meetings and spotted with several executives from different record...
Gregory Porter interviewed by Editor - Marco Gandolfi - at the Grosvenor House Hotel on London’s Park Lane on...
Adam Lambert interviewed by Editor - Marco Gandolfi - at the Grosvenor House Hotel on London’s Park Lane on...
“All Day” new LA anthem single/video by rising Los Angeles based Hip Hop artists Stoops & Tone G. Flamingo.
Independent Hip Hop artist Mister Riot out of Tempe, Arizona drops new single “Everywhere“, featuring DJ Blesd1.